A scenic green lane in Pewsey Vale, surrounded by lush vegetation and tall grass, suitable for all users. The narrow dirt path winds gently through the verdant landscape, with mature trees and dense foliage providing a serene and shaded environment. The sunlight filters through the leaves, creating dappled patterns on the path. The scene exudes tranquility and natural beauty, inviting walkers to explore and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. The bottom-left corner of the image is labeled "Roaming the Paths.

What’s stopping you? Improving accessibility in the countryside

Enhancing accessibility on public footpaths and routes is essential for creating inclusive outdoor spaces that everyone can enjoy. This initiative focuses on making paths easy to access by implementing features such as smooth surfaces, wider trails, and the removal of obstacles. Clear signage and regular maintenance are also prioritized to ensure safety and usability for individuals with mobility challenges, parents with strollers, and other users. By improving accessibility, we can provide enjoyable and equitable nature experiences for all visitors. Discover more about these efforts and their impact on community inclusion.

A field gate blocking access toa beautiful meadow bathed in late spring sunshine.

Do you value Inclusivity in the Outdoor Experience?

In a world where the call of nature is ever-present, the great outdoors beckons all. Yet, for many marginalized groups and those with disabilities, the opportunity to partake in rural life and outdoor adventures is often hindered by barriers, both physical and societal. As stewards of this beautiful planet, it’s our responsibility to ensure that …

A view across Avebury stones on a fresh spring day. Ancient stones rise from the fresh green grass, trees and picturesque village buildings in the distance.

Be Happy and Visit Beautiful Wiltshire Today

There are many reasons to be happy and visiting beautiful Wiltshire today might be yours. We have picked a few of our favourites. If you’re looking for a picturesque and historic destination in the UK, Wiltshire should definitely be on your list. This county in South West England has a lot to offer visitors, from …

It’s a busy life…..

Having too much to write is worse than not having enough. Well, that’s my opinion. I can usually think of things, I’m always thinking of things, it’s a constant in my life.  My brain nagging away at me with everything imaginable. So, after not having written for so long (due to circumstances rather than motivation) …

Peak Pods – Alport

Camping I have always been a fan of camping.  I might not necessarily be a fan of the weather, but the freedom of the great outdoors is truly liberating. Camping I have never got as far as wild camping, other than the occasional overnight kip in a car because somethings not worked out as expected: …

My aching feet – plantar fasciitis.

There is a condition that is surely a scourge of the walker, athlete and people in general, and one that seems to molests many people in middle age – plantar fasciitis. Feet  In my opinion,  it may be a lot more widespread than usually acknowledged – I suspect its something that’s not so widely known …

Mendips – Burrington and Rowberrow

Wild Garlic A day out in Somerset. Mrs Roamingthepaths  aka @littlepieceofwonder,  had signed up for a course called “Out of the woods” with  @simpleandseason at @simpsonsisters Initially, the arrangement was Mrs Roaming commandeering the car for the day. Not an issue, as I had decided that it might be an opportunity to chill, listen to …

Alport to Youlgrave via Bradford Dale circular.

Today’s weather engendered more enthusiasm in us.  Not that it was stunning, but rather that it was considerably better than the previous day. The improved weather combined with the revelation that we were not broken after yesterdays mission and that today’s walk was to be a gentler affair, we set off with a relative spring in the step.  The weather was …

Lathkill Dale and Cales Dale from Alport.

Today was a day for walking, no matter what the weathers opinion was. We had the kit, and was ready.  Rain and cold were promised, and thus we prepared. Over trousers, boots (always) waterproof coats, walking trousers, hat, gloves, fleece, sandwiches, walking stick and enthusiasm. 10 minutes into the walk and the fleece came off, as …

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