Pewsey Vale in Wiltshire in the Autumn. This image captures a scenic countryside view framed by a foreground of leafy branches and a hedge. The landscape includes vast green fields stretching into the distance, dotted with trees and hedgerows. Rolling hills are visible in the background under a sky with scattered clouds, suggesting a calm and peaceful rural setting. Power lines are faintly visible, adding a subtle touch of human presence in an otherwise natural landscape. The lighting suggests either early morning or late afternoon, casting gentle shadows across the scene.

Getting to know your Weeds 3

Getting to know your Weeds 3 Another Slideshow by Michael Atkinson-Willes from Wiltshire Wandering Michael will talk about ten of the plants that were found in the Scotchell Nature reserve in Pewsey, in October 2022. Michael will cover edibility, past and present uses, historical references and folk law. All are welcome, so please bring a …

Wandering by Water

Starting from Northgate Car Park this walk covers about 2 miles and lasts for some 3 hours. Please reserve a place as I like to limit numbers to about 20. The walk route is described on the website I shall be talking about some 30 species of plants covering their historical medicinal uses, folklore and …

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